
昨天晚上出去野,等我脫身進屋已經快要 12 點了,天呀,一整個累到。早上起來跟轟媽媽告別,說我下午會搬到我朋友家,謝謝他們這個月的照顧。上網貼完網誌回了幾封 E-mail 給朋友,鬼混了一下也中午了。昨天那個土耳其小男生一直打電話來,果子只好發一封訊息跟他說:Sorry! I can't go to your shop today. I don't think I am the kind of girl you want. So let's just be a friend, ok? Thanks for your dinner and nice to meet you! 開始覺得果子也像個騙子,到處騙吃騙喝然後又忽然消失不見。

正要出門找食物時收到 Ste 的簡訊:I miss you! Sx...靠腰!到底現在演的是哪一齣戲?為啥咪我都看不懂,難道我真的變笨了嗎?暫時不知要做啥反應,依原計畫先去一趟 Canada Water 探路,倫敦的地鐵不是每一站都有電梯低,得先去看看路線不然晚上搬家會很辛苦低。結果非常幸運的全程都有電梯,相當好,然後決定去新金融區吃午餐,出了 Canary Wharf 之後發了封訊息回應他:
Steve...I feel so confused!
You miss me but you didn't ask to see me again.
You asked me to stay longer but you left me alone the whole weekend!
I can't understand what you are thinking about!

然後在附近繞一繞,上次來的時候強風小雨的今天天氣好多了,附近大部分都是商業大樓,有輕火車通過也有很美的公園廣場,到處都適合野餐壓。Ste 這時打電話來,不瞞大家說果子到現在是很害怕講電話,總覺得人不在面前就是會聽不懂,不過今天也不知道怎麼了,聽的可清楚的呢!而且,果子現在會用英文吵架呢。之前電話接起來頂多就是說我快到了或是我會遲到之類的幾句話,很少講太多話。為了紀念第一次用電話吵架,下面來個全記錄吧:

Sx: Hello darling, where are you?
果: Near the tube station Canary Wharf.
Sx: Can you come to my house later today? I am at home.
果: Why are you at home? Feel sick?
Sx: I just took holiday today because of the nice weather. It's so beautiful, like you. So will you come to see me today?
(果子當時心裡只有一個字,看,你連放 3 天現在才找我是怎樣?)

果: I can't believe you have ALL day free and didn't let me know. Sorry! I need to move to my friend's house at 5:00. I don't think I have enough time to go to your place.
Sx: After you leave your stuff there come here for a few hours, ok?
果: No, your house is too far from here. It will be dangerous if I come back too late.
Sx: It won't be dangerous. You can stay here and go back tomorrow. Please come! (果子忽然間想起大美女說了:沒有自費去給他處理的啦!)
果: NO!

Sx: No? Are you crazy? (這情況之下我還去你家,我才真的發瘋了呢。)
果: Give me a good reason. Why should I take a long long trip to your house?
Sx: Good reason? Because I miss you. I want to see you. Because you love me!
果: NOT ANYMORE! You even didn't give me a call during the whole weekend....
Sx: You said you went out with a Turkey guy. I don't...
果: GARBAGE! I told you I went out with a Turkey guy on Sunday night. You had enough time to ask me out!
Sx: I am really sorry...sweetie... I am so sorry....
果: I don't want to hear you say sorry to me. I can't understand what you are thinking about...

Ste 另一支電話這時候響了他說他晚點打給我,不過其實並沒有。晚上搬進 Jacqueline 家,他煮了中國菜請我吃,好吃喔,其實果子還是很幸福了,我們才見過一次面他竟然就無條件的收留我,真不敢相信我的好運氣,洗了香香的泡泡浴,吵架實在很費力氣,早早就上床睡去了。

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